October 31

Document Camera Seal of Approval

Students in Mr. McConnell’s class have given their overwhelming seal of approval for use of the document camera in the classroom.  They use it almost daily to share problem solving strategies.  What previously was done on a student whiteboard or a messy overhead transparency, used a lot of class time, especially for struggling students.  Using the overhead allows all students to share their strategies with their class!

October 25

Students Skype with author Marissa Moss

4th grade teacher Angela Thomas had spent the summer making a connection with Marissa Moss – mostly because of the book Amelia’s Notebook and Thomas’ daughter’s love for the book (and having the name Amelia).

Shortly after school started, Thomas, Librarian Keri Thrift, and ITS Leslie Long arranged an opportunity for Old Town 4th graders to visit with author Marissa Moss on Friday, September 2. Moss talking to the students about the writing process and what it takes to become an author.